Friday, October 30, 2009

Fulfilling Your Dreams + Living | Kayla De Brito

I hate when I haven't blogged in a while, simply because I feel as if I have so much to say and I just haven't found the opportunity to send my message to my readers...

My blog is designed to express who Julian Moniz is, Through what I photograph and through my experiences.  It is not just a portfolio of my work but also a semi-personal journal of my life...Blogging is so much fun to me, you can also check out my mini feeds from my facebook page or my twitter so feel free to add me or follow me :)

I read this quote and it truly inspired me..."The possibility of fulfilling a dream is what makes life interesting."

 ... Just think about that...You have a dream, a vision of what you want out of life or who you want to become.  So what do you do?  Do you sit around and settle, hoping that it will knock on your door???  NO, you get off your butt and you attempt to fulfill your dreams and goals and you don't let anything or anyone stand in your way!  LIFE is FULL of challenges (ones you should never back down from) lessons to learn, blood, sweat, pain and tears.  But it is also full of laughs, love, success, praise, gratitude, beautiful moments and tears of absolute joy.  Becoming aware of all of these is what living is all about...Life is a journey, with no guaranteed place of arrival.  The ups and downs and the winding roads are part of the excitement that is life....So go all out, and LIVE...fulfill your dreams and do what you want to do...Take advantage of opportunities, enjoy it and learn from it.  REMEMBER, the results completely depend on YOU!!!  You are in total control of your life.  You have the ability to create who you want to be, so start creating!  

Strive to achieve your dreams & I promise Life will be very very interesting. 

I'm mixing this post with some photos for a beautiful young lady I photographed.  Kayla De Brito...A Portuguese singer who entered a contest and WON!!!  Her prize...A record, fully produced.  So she asked me to photograph her for her album...I thought it would be awesome to help her out and here are a few of my faves...Congrats Kayla, I know you will be GREAT!


If you have any comments please let me hear it... :)


Ana Batista said...

love the incorporation of the Portuguese shoes and shawl. bonita!

Anonymous said...

Kayla- I wish you all the best. You have taken the most difficult step and now, many more will follow.
Julian- Congratulations.. The photos are amazing.